Saturday, September 20, 2014

Well I already almost failed, my sister came home from college to visit, so we all went out to breakfast, luckily today is the 800 calorie day, and I got something that was only 800 calories!! and I got a ton of water, so today has been decent, all I need to do now is my workout, but that for later, and then I have the rest of the day to do whatever! comment what you guys want to see or hear about, I didn't get to weigh myself yet so sorry, but I will in a little bit, I promise. stay cute, stay chill, and stay original <3 here is some thinspo to keep ya going for a bit!!!!

not as many as usual, but with my next I promise to get some more, maybe even some celebs and some ana and mia and sue, and maybe some workout tips.
if you don't know this already, which im pretty sure most of you guys do
Ana- anorexia
Mia- bulimia
Sue- suicide
well that's it for now, see ya later today probably <3

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